Crusaders Quest is the latest in a growing trend of games based around acquiring heroes, while working your way through various missions. It’s quite fun too, although it does turn into a bit of a grind in time.
Combat is of the match-3 variety but with a significant twist: rather than being provided with a board of tiles to swipe together, the majority of the screen is devoted to watching the fighting unfold. Then at the bottom of the screen, tiles gradually emerge, each depicting a different kind of attack. You can fire off individual tiles to inflict damage, but you’re better off waiting until there are three matching tiles for maximum effect. It’s a simple but reasonably fast-paced way of doing things, with combat a free for all rather than turn-based.
Elsewhere, you’ll be spending plenty of time working on upgrades and training your heroes - something that soon brings to light the game’s many freemium elements. Besides needing meat as the energy that enables you to complete missions you need honor points for upgrades, and these can require plenty of grinding. You’ll soon reach a plateau where waiting things out is commonplace.

There's lots to do at least, meaning you’ll always feel like you’re progressing, but patience is essential here. A Dungeon Mode offering up a series of battles against monsters as well as the PvP-focused Colosseum further add to the variety, but it’s that grind that will soon remain prominent in your mind.
Keep at it, particularly when returning to low level quests, and Crusaders Quest soon unfolds with a seemingly never-ending stream of targets to aim for. Just don’t expect to get there before your patience starts to wane and you lose the urge to progress

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